Changes to Qualcomm HOS
As you have probably heard and some of you have already experienced, so changes are coming to the HOS regulations regarding Electronic Logging Devices or "ELDs". Basically, as of 12/16/19 every truck is required to be equipped with an ELD that meets FMCSA technical standards. Some of those technical standards are:
- Logging information regarding actual driving of the vehicle must be pulled directly from the vehicle engine ECM.
- Start of Trip (Driving) must be recorded beginning when the vehicle reaches 5 mph.
- Drivers are required to "Certify" the record of duty status daily.
- Drivers are required to provide trip and trailer # on each record of duty status
- Any unassigned driving time that occurs, will be offered to the next driver signing in the unassigned driving time must be claimed or rejected. Rejected unassigned driving time will not be given to the Carrier to assign until after 8 days has passed.
- Driving time may not be erased or reduced - neither by the driver or the carrier
- ALL Driving time must be accounted for.
- When stopped for a Roadside Inspection, the driver should tap the Inspector button from the Day Log tab. While in Inspector mode, the Log Header details; Graph; and Info buttons are available. If the Inspector requests that the logs be sent in, the driver should return to the "Driver" button, tap ERODS, then select Web Services or Email. Officer will usually provide a reference # which should be entered in the comments section prior to selecting "SEND". A confirmation will appear on the screen once the transfer is complete.
Be sure to pick up a copy of the Omnitracs HOS DOT ELD Driver Cab Card the next time you're in one of our terminal locations.
For more information, questions or assistance, you may go to the "Driver Training" Icon of the Omnitracs unit or contact your Safety Department or Driver Manager.