Spring is here and along with improved weather, you can look forward to an increase in roadside inspection activity.
Conduct a comprehensive pre and post trip inspection. Record the time you spend conducting the inspection on-duty or line 4 of your electronic logs.
The report must identify the vehicle and cover at least the following parts and accessories:
Service brakes including trailer brake connections
Parking (hand) brake
Steering mechanism
Lighting devices and...
A professional driver is always looking for ways to improve his/her driving performance.
Once a driver realizes that unsafe patterns have been created, corrective actions, such as driving patterns and habits, must be taken.
For example, a driver may become complacent with speeding or following too close.
Exercise driving techniques -
Maintain at least a (7) second following distance.
Be prepared to stop.
Increase following distance in adverse conditions.
Expect the unexpected in any work zone, normal speed limits may be reduced, traffic lanes changed, and people and vehicles may be working on or near the road.
Slow down! Be alert! Heed the signs! Diamond-shaped orange warning signs are generally posted in advance of road construction projects.
Obey the flagger’s directions. In a work zone, a flagger has the same authority as a regulatory sign, so you can be cited for disobeying their directions.
Stay calm. Maintaining calmness will...